Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Well we are still in the orientation stage of the DT S and I am already learning a lot about myself and who God wants me to be. I realize that I really couldn't grow closer to God until you become stripped away from all the crap in my life. We broke into small groups and it's one of the greatest feelings in the world to know your brothers and sisters in christ have your back. I have been starting to do quiet time every morning before breakfast. It's been amazing to go through the bible and discover new things that I never realized was there. One example being the story of David and Goliath, 1st Samuel 34 through 37. Basically Saul tells David that he is to young to kill Goliath. David replys by saying " I have been keeping my fathers sheep. When a lion or bear came and carrried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, stuck it and killed it." He then went on to say that the Lord rescued him from the lion and the bear and he would rescue him from Goliath. What it mean is when we are faced with something we need to speak out the time the lord has delivered us from and he will give us the strenght to face what is in front of us. It really hit me and I would never have got that if I was just flying through the bible trying to finish the story.

Things are still going great. They say that after five months of going through and DTS together that it's the equivelant of three and a half years of friendship. I think they're right... even after a week I feel like I have known some of these people for my whole life. Its obvious I am going to have life long friendships with these people.

I hope everything is going well and I miss all of you!
God Bless, Colton


  1. You amaze me. I am proud of you. Keep up the hard work. You won't regret it. Love you.

  2. I am proud of you too and we miss you bunches. Sounds like God has some great things in store for you and I can't wait to hear about them. I look forward to your posts, so keep 'em coming! This is the time of your life with friends that will last. Live everyday to the fullest, let go and let God! With all our love...
